Occupational Health: A Top Priority for Our Company

Mellitah Oil and Gas Company is firmly committed to protecting the health and safety of all people who may be affected by our operations directly or indirectly. This includes our employees, contractors, visitors, suppliers, and residents of the areas surrounding our industrial sites.

Our Approach:

  • Risk Assessment: We conduct risk assessment studies at our various sites and throughout the different stages of our operations.
  • Dedicated Programs: We develop dedicated health and occupational programs based on the results of risk assessments.
  • Prevention: We focus on preventing diseases and injuries through awareness and training programs.
  • Medical Care: We provide medical care services in emergencies and routine cases at all sites.

Our Goals:

  • Better Health and Safety: We strive to create a safe and healthy work environment for everyone.
  • Improved Productivity: We believe that a safe work environment promotes productivity and efficiency.
  • Sustainability: We are committed to implementing best practices in occupational health to ensure the sustainability of our operations.

Our Commitment:

We believe that occupational health is everyone’s responsibility, and we are committed to working with our employees, contractors, visitors, suppliers and residents of surrounding areas to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for everyone.