Extension “Provision of a Third-Party Administrator (TPA) for Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V. Company Employee’s Medical Plan Claims/Administrative Services”

Extension “Provision of a Third-Party Administrator (TPA) for Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V. Company Employee’s Medical Plan Claims/Administrative Services”

Announcement Start Date: 13-08-2022
Announcement End Date: 27-08-2022 @ 14:00 Libya Time.

Extension “Provision of a Third-Party Administrator (TPA) for Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V. Company Employee’s Medical Plan Claims/Administrative Services”
Invitation for Pre-Qualification for Public Tender:
Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V.-Libya (MOG) (https://mellitahog.ly/en/tenders/) is inviting Local specialized Companies that have established themselves in the ability & competence to carry out the required work explained below. This should be via submitting the following electronic 4 Zipped Folders according to the way explained at the end of this Announcement. See sections (47) to (53).
1) Legal Electronic Compressed Folder (in ARABIC LANGUAGE). See Sections (11) to (31) below for full details.
2) Financial Electronic Compressed Folder (in ARABIC LANGUAGE OR ENGLISH LANGUAGE & in LYD/USD/Euro ONLY). See Section (32) below for full Details.
3) HSEQ Electronic Compressed Folder (in ENGLISH LANGUAGE). See Sections from (33) to (38) below for full Details.
4) Technical Electronic Compressed Folder (in ENGLISH LANGUAGE). See Sections from (39) to (46) below for full Details.
5) No other Languages than Arabic Language or English Language to be accepted.
6) Failure to submit All requested Electronic Documents in Full (and in 4 Zipped Folders titled “Legal Folder”, “FIN Folder”, “HSEQ Folder” and “Tech. Folder”) will mean that your application to this Tender to be automatically disqualified.
7) In case of incomplete document submission or unorganized sets of documents, this will lead to losing your chance for prequalification for this Public Tender.
8) The requested Documents to be used for the purpose of Prequalification to select the suitable and eligible Companies to participate in the following Tender:
9) Tender Information:
Tender Number: Tender: PRQ-022-GP-22
Tender Subject: “Provision of a Third-Party Administrator (TPA) for Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V. Company Employee’s Medical Plan Claims/Administrative Services”
10) SCOPE-of-WORK:
Mellitah Oil & Gas B. V. Company intends to seek suitable Contractors to provide claims/administrative services for its self-funded employee healthcare coverage, Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V. is interested in receiving quotes from certified Third-Party Administrators (TPAs) to provide domestic healthcare administration services in Libya, in accordance with Memoranda of Understanding with each employee department, the company currently offers one employee medical plan to eligible employees. About 7000 active employees and 40,000 dependents are covered by the Modified Employee Medical Plan.
Interested Companies must satisfy ALL the below stipulated requirements and submit all required information and Electronic Documents. (Taking into consideration that failure to submit the below requested Full & COMPLETE set of Electronic Documents will lead to automatic disqualification):
12) An Official Letter on your Company’s Letterhead addressed to the (UNIFIED TENDER COMMETTEE CHAIRMAN of MOG). This Letter of Expression of Interest must contain the following information:
– Clearly express your interest to participate in this Public Tender.
– You must mention Tender Number and Tender Name in this Letter.
– The full Legal Name of participating Company (or Companies-in case of joint participation). The date of establishment of your Company/Companies.
– This letter must clearly define the Contact Name(s), their Business E-Mail Address(s) and Phone Numbers.
– In case of Joint Venture Companies / Agreements; Bidders must clearly define the exact role of each of the jointly participating Companies. This must be written in this Letter of Expression of Interest. The Single-Point-of-Contact, Project Management, Engineering, Procurement, Delivery, Installation, and Commissioning Services must be well defined in this Official Letter. They both must sign and stamp this Letter of Expression of Interest.
13) Printing and stamping every single page of this announcement then email back to MOG with your submitted documents.
14) An official letter to the Unified Tenders Committee Chairman of MOG in which you are stating that you are fully aware of all details and understands all circumstances relevant to the announced Scope of Work of this Public Tender.
15) An official letter to the Unified Tenders Committee Chairman of MOG in which you are confirming that you will be completely adhering and complying to all relevant Libyan laws and regulations.
16) The required Legal Documents from participating Company(ies):
It is required to provide us all licenses and legal registration documents in Libya. These documents must be valid for not less than 6 months from the date of this announcement. The required legal documents are:
For Single Applicant Company (Local Company or Libya Registered Foreign Company):
17) Scanned Copy of the Company’s Commerce Registration.
18) Scanned Copy of the Company’s Chamber of Commerce Registration.
19) Scanned Copy of the Company’s Business License for this Tender.
20) Scanned Copy of the Company’s Tax Certificate.
21) Scanned Copy of the Company’s Permission of Work (or Ministry of Economic Permit).
22) Scanned Copy of the Company’s Establishment Contract and the Basic System Document (Article of Association).
23) Scanned copy of any other licenses or permits relevant to the nature of this Tender.
24) An official letter to MOG in which you are stating that your registered activities are in complete match with both, your company’s technical profile and the Scope-of-Work posted in this Announcement.
For Joint Venture (J.V.) Companies:
25) All Documents mentioned in sections from (12) to (24) above.
26) Submission of all Documents indicating the establishment of a Joint Venture Company in accordance with the Legislation and Regulations in Libya, whether between two parties (Local and Foreign) or two Local parties. All J.V. Parties must be registered in Libya.
For Agreements (Solidarity):
27) All Documents mentioned in sections from (12) to (24) above.
28) All Solidarity parties should be registered in Libya.
29) The agreement shall be attested by the Libyan Authorities.
30) The agreement shall include the commitment of the solidarity parties together or individually to carry out all the required works and services explained in this announcement.
31) The agreement should clarify the Legal representative for the parties.
32) Submission of Company’s Annual Financial Status & Turnover Documents for the last (3 Years which are 2019, 2020 & 2021). These Annual Financial Statements must be accredited and approved by external Financial Auditor. They must include Balance Sheet Report, Income Statement Report, Cash Flow Report. These three reports must be submitted to MOG in Arabic Language or English language ONLY and in LYD or Euro or USD ONLY. No other Languages nor Currencies are accepted.
33) Health, Safety, Environment & Quality (HSEQ):
34) The Company’s approved HSEQ Manual.
35) The Company’s approved HSEQ Policy.
36) The Company’s HSEQ Procedures List.
37) The Relevant International Certificates & ISO Certificates.
38) An Official Statement from you addressed to MOG stating that your Company(ies) to follow all MOG HSEQ Standards, Procedures and Policy in full.
39) Must submit all the following: C.V.’s of all Professionals assigned for this Service/Project-They should have a good experience in the field of this Tender.
40) Participating Company/Companies Profile(s) with full details.
41) Certificates of previous work & experience in Libya and/or Worldwide (in the field of work to be implemented).
42) The list of all clients and details of previous/ongoing projects.
43) Any additional information that will enhance the potential of the application is welcomed.
44) An Evidence that your Company has a minimum three years of experience related to the Announced Scope-of-Work of this Public Tender.
45) You must send us your official statement confirming that you will fully adhere to the local and international standards, specifications and technical requirements and government regulations and industry best practices.
46) Sending us a preliminary method statement of how you are planning to deliver the announced Scope-of-Work of this Public Tender.
47) In case of not having Documents requested above in sections (1) to (46) ready before the End Date of this Announcement (See set date at the beginning of this announcement) which will affect the evaluation, Bidder(s) must submit an Official Letter to MOG clearly stating & reasoning this, and confirming that they to submit these valid and correct Documents IN FULL in the next Tendering Stage (if pass the Prequalification Stage) …
48) How To participate in this Public Tender:
49) The required Electronic Documents explained above to be submitted to MOG in Full as follows:
50) All above listed Electronic Documents (in 4 Zipped Folders) must be e-mailed (as attachments) to the following MOG E-Mail addresses: MOG.PPQC@Mellitahog.ly; aestuti@mellitahog.ly. (Can be via several Emails for large size documents, if needed)
51) The Subject of the E-Mail to be sent to the above-mentioned MOG receptionists and Name of the main Folder of all your Electronic Documents to be shared should be like this:
“X”, PRQ-022-GP-22”, “Provision of a Third-Party Administrator (TPA) for Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V. Company Employee’s Medical Plan Claims/Administrative Services”,
X must be replaced by the name(s) of your participating Company(ies).
52) Also, you can share your full set of documents with the above MOG email ID’s via Microsoft OneDrive (other online file sharing tools are NOT accepted).
53) You must Fill & Submit the MOG Online Vendor Registration Application before the expiry date of this Announcement (no need to this again if you already did in previous participations). This online application is available in both, the MOG Website (Under Tenders Tab), and via this URL: https://forms.office.com/r/pMNS8Fic4F
54) The last day for the submission of your prequalification for this Tender is not later than 27-08-2022 @ 14:00 Libya Time. No Submissions to be accepted after this deadline.
Important Notes:
55) This prequalification request is not an invitation to tender. MOG is neither committed nor obligated to undertake the work described above or to issue any call for Tender or to include any respondent to this invitation or other Company on any Bidders List or to award any form of contract.
56) MOG has the right to exclude any participant who does not satisfy in full all the above stipulated requirements.
57) In case of joint participation, Bidder cannot participate separately. Breaching of this condition will result automatic disqualify.
58) The Invitation to Tender (ITT) and full ITT Package will only be issued to the qualified Companies that have been prequalified.
59) MOG will not be responsible for what’s ever costs incurred for preparation and submission presented in response to this Announcement.
60) MOG shall deal only with authorized officers of the Bidding Companies and not through individuals or agents.
61) No Paper Documents to be accepted. All submitted Documents to respond to this Tender Announcement must be Electronic Documents sent & shared via an Official “Business” E-Mail Address.
62) Any participant in this Prequalification Invitation is responsible for proving all the above requested Electronic Documents (without any missing Document). This must be before the shared Announcement deadline and according to the submission method explained above. Otherwise, this participant will not be prequalified.
Mellitah Oil & Gas B. V.-Libyan Branch, E-Mail: mog.ppqc@mellitahog.ly.
Finally, we invite you to keep visiting Mellitah Oil & Gas B. V.-Libyan Branch Tenders Webpage for any new upcoming Tenders at: https://mellitahog.ly/en/tenders/

August 14, 2022